
Showing posts from October, 2017

'Everyone makes mistakes'

Earlier today I saw a video that caught my attention. The video showed how a white man was stealing food for his his family in a super market. One of the workers caught him stealing. The worker said to place the placed the food back or else he would call the cops. Then 2 black women's came along and heard the man's stories they decided to help him and pay for the food. This caught my attention because if it would of have been a black person they would call the cops and arrest him for stealing something.


VOCAB  Venemous- full of malice or spite. Stolid- calm and showing little emotion or animation. Hypnotized- produce a state of hypnosis. Suspended- temporarily prevent from continuing. Transformed- make a dramatic change in the form. Accuse- charge someone with an ofense or crime. Anticipate- regard as probable. Fringe- an ornamental border of threads left loose. Melancholy- a feeling of pensive sadness. Earnestly- with sincere conviction. Dissolve- cause too become incorporated into a liquid. Aggravate- make worse or more serious. Illuminate- light up Capillary-a tube that has an internal diameter. Proboscis- the nose of a mammal.